A solution developed by retail tech experts

The marriage of expertise in consumer products from major brands committed by [ MAP EMULSION ] and cryptography by KeeeX has given birth to SORGA Technology’s enriched QR code and its Digital Passport for developing more responsible consumption.
The solution responds to the necessary transparency of committed brands’ commitments concerning the natural and human resources they solicit, to better inform a more responsible consumer.
The tamper-proof identification of data, the serialization and security of our Digital Product Passports, their traceability via blockchainenvironmental impact (scope 3 zero for brands) are all innovations developed by the SORGA Digital Product Passport solution.

A manufacturer’s benevolence towards man and nature has often been secondary to artistic creation, product efficiency or price advantage.

Today, we believe it has a place in all products, bringing innovation and trust to the customer experience, before opening up marketing immersion from the brand’s digital tools.
Thus SORGA was born: a technology full of meaning for a world of trust.


Philippe Guguen


A former marketing manager at L’Oréal and LVMH, Philippe is a retail tech entrepreneur. A graduate of Paris Dauphine and EM Lyon, he is a former co-founder of Cityvox.

Laurent Henocque

Technical advisor

An inventor, researcher, lecturer, engineer and entrepreneur with a passion for technological trends, Laurent holds a doctorate in mathematics and computer science from the Ecole Polytechnique.

An alarming loss of trust between brand and consumer

For products with a high economic or emotional value,
the first barrier to purchase is not price. It’s the product information: is it a genuine version or a copy? Are the promises made true?

SORGA lets you create and manage tamper-proof digital passports for each product.

For decades, brands have been working on the desirability of their products. Desirability is expressed through design and product communication. Their aim is to increase consumption. Today, brands must also work on building trust with their consumers: commitment, authenticity.

in Provençal

means “The source…”

in Italian

means ” which reveals “

in Indonesian

means “…paradise”.

Our awards

Our vision validated by international bodies

The United Nations platform Act4SDGs.org identifies SORGA as a solution accelerating 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

SORGA has been recognized as a solution for responsible consumption selected for the European Week for Sustainable Development.

SORGA is the first French finalist in GS1 USA’s international Start Up Lab competition.

SORGA is a finalist in Wavestone’s sustainability competition (circularity category).

SORGA receives 2nd prize for impact solutions from the international specialist in optical reading.

Our multi-award-winning
technology for retail innovation

SORGA was awarded a gold medal at My Global Village’s “Tech for Africa” competition.
SORGA won a gold medal in the “Tech for Retail” competition (transparency & responsible consumption).

SORGA is a winner of SAP.io’s international “Future of Retail and Consumer Products” program.

SORGA has been selected by Business France and French Tech Aix-Marseille to be part of the CES 2023 delegation in Las Vegas.

Our solution validated
for use in the cosmetics industry

SORGA received the gold award for “Best innovation for the cosmetics industry” at Cosmetic 360 Paris.

SORGA is a finalist in the Digital Beauty Awards in the “Best Sustainable Digital Innovation” category.

Mondial de la Coiffure et le Beauté awarded SORGA Technology the Grand Prix de l’Innovation at its international event in Paris.